Cali Golf Schools, lessons and instruction from teacher Vince Cali, PGA Master Professional.    Locations in Orlando near Disney and Winter Park Florida.
Call 407-857-4653 to start playing better golf.
Cali Golf Schools - Orlando Fl 

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You will receive free instruction plus deals on green fees in your area and equipment.
Just another way to play better golf.

You will receive email golf tips (like below) several times a month. Also, Cali Golf School News Letters which let you know about deals on green fees, equipment, training aids, and who made hole-in-ones.



Imagine That!


     Did you ever watch a playing partner hit a long putt and as soon as the ball started rolling you knew it was going into the hole? You knew it because your imagination can predict after watching the ball start out where it will stop.


     Take advantage of your imagination. While you’re planning your putt, stand behind your ball and pretend you just hit a putt on the line you chose. Watch it roll. Did it go in? If you missed it on the right, just start another imaginary putt off a little to the left of the last one. Did that one go in? If not, try again until you make it. Now you have found the right line and speed. Just step up and hit the ball the way you imagined it.


     If you’re a good putter, you already do something like this. If you’re not a good putter, try this technique. It takes some practice and concentration, but it’s well worth it as you watch that 20-foot putts dive into the hole.


     Imagine that.


To play better golf contact Vince Cali, PGA Master Professional

Tel. 407- 857- 4653





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(c)2009 Vince Cali

Start playing better golf, learn the SWING GOLF METHOD at Cali Golf Schools.
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Just another way to PLAY BETTER GOLF
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Cali Golf Schools - Orlando, Fl  "Home of the SWING GOLF METHOD."
Call 407-857-4653 to start playing better golf.
Email Cali Golf Schools:
Mail to: 925 Appleton Av, Orlando, Fl 32806
(c) 2009 Cali Golf Schools